IR Information

We provide accurate and timely financial information to help our investors make
informed decisions. Based on our long history of reliable and trustworthy business practices,
we will make the lives of our customers more affluent.

Information On The Board Of
Directors ("BoD")

BoD Composition
(Chairman: Seung Mo KIM / No. of Directors: 8)
BoD Composition :Classification, Position, Name, Date Appointed, Tenure, Responsibility, Liability Insurance
Classification Position Name Date Appointed Tenure Responsibility Liability Insurance
CEO Dong Kwan Kim 2024.03.28 2 years Strategy Division CEO Covered
CEO Seung Mo Kim 2023.03.29 2 years E&C Division CEO Covered
CEO Ki Won Yang 2024.03.28 2 years Global Division CEO
Momentum Division CEO
Director Suk Jae Lee 2024.03.28 2 years Audit Committee Member Covered
Director Ik Hwan Kwon 2024.03.28 2 years Audit Committee Member Covered
Director Hye Ryung Byon 2024.03.28 2 years - Covered
Director Edwin Feulner 2023.03.29 2 years - Covered
Director Yong Gyu Lee 2023.03.29 2 years Audit Committee Member Covered
※ As of March 28, 2024
Committees under the BoD
Committees under the BoD:Committee Name, Inside Director, Outside Director, Key Responsibility, Remarks
Committee Name Composition Key Responsibility Remarks
Audit Committee - 3 directors
(Yong Gyu Lee(Chairman),
Ik Hwan Kwon, Suk Jae Lee)
Conducting audits on the business and its accounting practices
Outside Director Candidate
Recommendation Committee
- 3 directors
(Suk Jae Lee(Chairman),
Hye Ryung Byon, Edwin Feulner)
Providing recommendations for outside director candidates
Internal Transaction
- 3 directors
(Ik Hwan Kwon(Chairman),
Yong Gyu Lee, Hye Ryung Byon)
Approving transactions of funds, securities, and assets of KRW 8 billion or more in value with domestic affiliatess
Approving transactions of goods and services of KRW 10 billion or more in quarterly cumulative value with relative companies
ESG Committee 1 director
(Ki Won YANG)
2 directors
(Hye Ryung Byon(Chairman),
Ik Hwan Kwon)
Reviewing policies on sustainable management and compliance management
Compensation Committee 3 directors
(Suk Jae Lee(Chairman),
Hye Ryung Byon, Yong Gyu Lee)
Improving fairness and transparency in compensation for directors
※ As of March 28, 2024